Using CPG

CPG is a command line application and can be run by executing command cpg. Passing option -h or --help to CPG prints basic usage information:

$ cpg --help


  -a, --absolute           Output playlist with absolute paths.
  -c, --config FILENAME    Configuration file path.
  -f, --format [m3u8|pls]  Playlist format.
  -r, --relative           Output playlist with relative paths.
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

CPG expects two arguments. The first argument AUDIO_DIR is a path to a directory which will be recursively scanned for audio files. The second argument PLAYLIST_FILE will be used as the path of the generated playlist.

The command line interface supports specifying the output playlist’s file format via options -f and --format. Whether the playlist should use absolute or relative paths can be specified with options --absolute or --relative and their respective short options. By default CPG generates M3U8 playlists with relative paths.

Configuration File

CPG’s advanced features can only be configured through a configuration file. Its path can be specified with options -c and --config. CPG supports reading TOML configuration files. Details about the TOML file format’s syntax can be found in its README.

# Example TOML configuration file for CPG.

format = "m3u8"
paths = "relative"

sort = [
  ["tracknumber", "discnumber"],

  [[tracks.blacklist."Album 1"]]
  discnumber = "1"
  tracknumber = "4"

  [[tracks.blacklist."Album 2"]]
  tracknumber = "5"

tags = [
  # ["album", "catalognumber"],
fallback_name = "fallback"

  "Album 1" = ["discnumber"]
  "Album 2" = ["artist", "title"]
  fallback = ["title"]

  [[groups.separate."Album 3"]]
  title = "Track title"

  [[groups.separate."Album 3"]]
  discnumber = "1"
  tracknumber = "11"

  [[groups.separate."Album 4"]]
  discnumber = "2"
  tracknumber = "9"

Table playlist

format = "m3u8"
paths = "relative"

In the configuration file, table playlist can contain keys format and paths to specify the playlist format and paths, respectively. Valid values for format are m3u8 and pls, valid values for paths are absolute and relative. CPG interprets the values of these keys in a case insensitive manner.

Table groups

When CPG finishes searching for audio files, it categorizes the found tracks into groups. Groups are created based on the audio files’ tag information. Categorizing tracks into groups is controled by keys in table groups. Tracks are first grouped together according to tags specified in key tags. tags is a list of lists of tags.

tags = [
  ["album", "catalognumber"],

The above configuration snippet would cause CPG to first attempt to categorize each track based on tags album and catalognumber. If a track has any of these tags empty or unspecified, CPG attempts to categorize it with the next list of tags – in this case only tag album. The name of the resulting group is a concatenation of each of the matched tags (in the same order as in the configuration file). CPG supports an arbitrarily long list of arbitrarily long lists of tags.

fallback_name = "fallback"

If a track can’t be categorized by any of the tag lists described in the previous paragraph (all lists get skipped because of a missing tag), the track is assigned to a fallback group. The default fallback group name is fallback. The desired name can be assigned to key fallback_name.

"Album 1" = ["discnumber"]
"Album 2" = ["artist", "title"]
fallback = ["title"]

CPG can be configured to further split the created groups of tracks in table groups.split_tags. The above configuration snippet would split Group Album 1 based on the value of tag discnumber. This means that if Album 1 consisted of two discs, it would be split into two separate groups. Group splitting can be performed using an arbitrary amount of tags, as shown in the example with Album 2. Tracks from group Album 2 would be split into groups with unique combinations of artist and title tags. It’s even possible to match the fallback group mentioned in the previous paragraph.

[[groups.separate."Album 3"]]
title = "Track title"

[[groups.separate."Album 3"]]
discnumber = "1"
tracknumber = "11"

[[groups.separate."Album 4"]]
discnumber = "2"
tracknumber = "9"

After spliting groups, CPG can separate specific tracks into a new group. This can be configured by creating arrays of tables nested in table groups.separate. The table array names – in the above example Album 3 and Album 4 – are the names of the groups which should be matched. The above example will first move tracks from Album 3 into a single new group. Only tracks which match the tag criteria in the first or second table of the array will be moved, though. A track matches a tag criteria when all keys and values specified in a table match the track’s respective tags and tag values. Then tracks from Album 4 will be moved into a different new group. Again, only tracks which match the tag criteria will be moved.

After creating all groups CPG shuffles the groups so that they’re randomly ordered in the resulting playlist. This shuffling only affects the relative order of groups and doesn’t affect the order of tracks within each group.

Table track

sort = [
  ["tracknumber", "discnumber"],

Table tracks controls track sorting and blacklisting. The value of key sort is a list of lists of tags for sorting groups of tracks. Track sorting is performed after creating all groups, as described in section Table groups. A group of tracks can be sorted according to a list of tags when each track has all tags from the list non-empty. CPG sorts each group of tracks according to the first such list of tags. In other words, a group of tracks where all of them have tags tracknumber and discnumber non-empty would be sorted according to the first tag list of the above configuration snippet. On the contrary, a group of tracks where some are missing the discnumber tag would be sorted according to the second list. An arbitrarily long list of arbitrarily long lists of tags is supported. If no tag list can be chosen for sorting, the group is left unsorted.

[[tracks.blacklist."Album 1"]]
discnumber = "1"
tracknumber = "4"

[[tracks.blacklist."Album 2"]]
tracknumber = "5"

Blacklisted tracks are removed from their groups immediately after assigning tracks to groups but before any group splitting. Blacklists can be configured by creating arrays of tables nested in table groups.blacklist. The table array names specify which group to blacklist tracks from, in the above example from groups Album 1 and Album 2. Narrowing down the choice of blacklisted tracks is performed by specifying key value pairs in the tables. Key value pairs correspond to track tag name and value pairs. A table without any key value pair will blacklist the entire group.